Tuesday, August 12, 2008

14. Pygmalion effect

The Pygmalion effect, Rosenthal effect, or more commonly known as the "teacher-expectancy effect" refers to situations in which students perform better than other students simply because they are expected to do so. The Pygmalion effect requires a student to internalise the expectations of their superiors. It is a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy, and in this respect, students with poor expectations internalise their negative label, and those with positive labels succeed accordingly. Within sociology, the effect is often cited with regards to education and social class.

Monday, August 11, 2008

13. Philology

The study of literature or language used in literature. (Merriam Websters)

Philology, (derived from the Greek, from the terms meaning "loved, beloved, dear, friend" and logos "word, articulation, reason") is a branch of the human sciences dealing with language and literature, specifically a literary canon, combining aspects of grammar, rhetoric, historical linguistics (etymology and language change), interpretation of authors, textual criticism and the critical traditions associated with a given language.

Philology considers both form and meaning in linguistic expression, combining linguistics and literary studies.